Color Codes for Skin and Hair Colors • is ned org

Color Codes for Skin and Hair Colors

Created: | Updated:

The basic colors for skin tones working pretty well for a comic style of faces are:

Light Caucasian | #f5d9cb | RGB: 245,217,203 | CMYK: 3,15,17,0
Caucasian | #edbfa7 | RGB: 237,191,167 | CMYK: 6,27,32,0
Dark Caucasian | #d38e6f | RGB: 211,142,111 | CMYK: 16,49,58,1
Asian | #eab78a | RGB: 234,183,138 | CMYK: 7,30,48,0
Light Black | #c5845c | RGB: 197,132,92 | CMYK: 21,52,69,3
Dark Black | #583b2b | RGB: 88,59,43 | CMYK: 47,66,76,50


There is a great project on Tumblr where you get a lot of different faces and the main color of their skin. Check out the resource over here:

Humanae Tumblr