Completely free images for your web/marketing projects - Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels • is ned org

Completely free images for your web/marketing projects - Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels

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What is it all about?

I love to produce all images I need for my projects myself. But from time to time there is a special need (like recently where I needed a buddhist monk) and this cannot be covered with own pictures. Of course we want to make sure that we are not running into any copyright issues. Therefore the following pages are great resources for getting CC0 licensed images. They are fully free to use. Of course it would be nice to mention the photographer – even so this is not required.

What is the CC0 license?

CC0 is the „no copyright reserved“ option in the Creative Commons toolkit – it effectively means relinquishing all copyright and similar rights that you hold in a work and dedicating those rights to the public domain.


Epidemic Sound auf YouTube



Pixabay is just an amazing resource for CC0 images. They have a lot of amazing images in place, the search function is wonderful and the resolutions of the images are just plain perfect.

Nice collection of images even so the search is somehow limited and there are not that many pictures on the platform.


Attention: Not all images are completely free for commercial purposes. There are some images from the NASA (just as an example) and they have restrictions on commercial use!